

TrustVote is an integrated electronic voting solution that combines an eVoting system with a Verified Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) system. It enables electronic ballot marking and casting, along with VVPAT slip printing and storage. TrustVote also facilitates high-efficiency and accurate result audits. By leveraging blockchain technology, TrustVote further enhances the security and integrity of the entire voting process, ensuring trustworthy and transparent elections.

Electronic Voting

  • Automated counting and statistics.
  • The voter elect candidate
    via the system
  • List all candidates
    in the electronic voting system
  • Voting result is encrypted and
    the physical evidence is secured.

Basic Design

  • Compact and lightweight design
  • Large touchscreen display with
    user-friendly interface


  • Interacts with disabled persons
    through visual,audio,
    and tactile interfaces
  • Prints physical evidence of
    voting results automatically
    and stores them securely
    in the ballot box


  • Retains a record of voting
    even in the event
    of an abrupt power failure
  • Robust and secure to ensure
    the integrity of the electoral process
  • MS SQL
  • Oracle
  • My SQL


  • Magnetic Stripe
  • Contact (SLE, Native)
  • Contactless (Mifare, iClass)


  • HID Lumidigm
  • Fujitsu Palm
  • Secugen

Auto Print

  • Select Printer
  • Default Printer
  • Batch Printing
  • Print Que Management
  • Auto-Printing